- Enlarger Rental 15/hr -
4 Enlarger Stations
Capable up to 16x24.
equiped with grain focusers, easels, filters, dodge & burn tools, blackout cards, contact glass.
- Super Chromega D Dichroic (ideal for medium format)
- 35mm, 6x6, 6x7 negative carriers
- 50mm lens, 105mm lens
- Beseler Dichro 67S2 (x2)
- 35mm negative carrier, medium format negative carriers
- 50mm lens, (105mm can also be swapped to here)
- Beseler Dichro 67cp
- 35mm negative carrier, medium format negative carriers
- 50mm lens
!Bring your own paper! chemicals provided
*We may have a small amount of paper for sale on hand, but we recommend that you bring your own. Please email or call ahead for selection.